Here's my latest design for "Lobo and Risley". As you can see Risley herself has changed quite a bit. I will post Risley's progression soon. I thought that she might have been too bland before, so I made her 6 and gave her a snaggle tooth. I thought that making her younger and cuter gave her a nice contrast with the zombie dog Lobo and the grotesque Dr. Apollo.

Dr.Apollo hasn't changed much except for some slight color variations. He's got a nice Wendigo chair to sit in though.

This is the post card I mocked up for Comic-Con. Just as a quick free hand-out that has a little info on the show printed on the back. I've just heard back from Cartoon Network though. The show is not what there looking for right now, seeing that one of the main characters is female. CN cartoons are really gearing towards the young boy crowd right now. I still love "Lobo and Risley" though and I'm planning to have a comic ready for next Comic-Con. Also a sketchbook. Look for post and updates on this blog for more info.
Gibbs Rainock
If only you had made it fake anime. I think it's an awesome concept. How often can you work taxidermists into anything, let alone a cartoon?I had a snaggle tooth when I was a kid too.
Risley DID change alot. Whatever happened to kid Ahab and the rappin' whale?
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